> Beat KURT

Lecture: The Guided Surgery Behind The Smile – meet four masters and learn why you should stop brain guided surgery

Traduction simultanée en français
Lecture with Jaafar Mouhyi, Henriette Lerner, and Eitan Mijiriski

Workshop: The Guided Surgery Behind The Smile – how easy it can be with a streamlined Carestream Dental workflow

The workshop will show step by step surgical and prosthetic rehabilitations. During the hands-on session, participants will experience use IOS devices, imaging, and planning software to diagnose, plan and place implants with a streamlined guided surgery protocol.
Improve the quality of your implant and prosthetic treatments by using the latest digital flow and guided surgery techniques. This workshop dedicated to digital dentistry will allow participants to treat each step of a patient's care through a clinical case. From the analysis of the cone-beam through the optical impression, the modeling of the surgical guide, the placement of implants ending with the realization of the prosthesis.
Whether you are an expert or a novice surgeon, you will find that using this digital flow allows for significant improvements of the surgical procedure. The supplication of the implant will allow the practitioner to focus his attention on the actions of the implant, bone regeneration, and gum graft. You will see both the precision obtained with the very clean SMOP guides - allowing good irrigation and easy control of positioning - and the protocol for the simplified surgical kit.
You will understand the use of computer-assisted diagnosis and treatment planning using easy-to-use software – CS Imaging 8, PDIP, SMOP.
You will understand the sequencing and use of 3D imaging (DICOM files), digital models (STL), SMOP planning software.
By using case videos, guide modeling, implanting on printed models guides and taking an intraoral digital impression, we will give you all the advice and tricks you need to start placing implants using a surgical guide. You will also learn how to share all your case files in a few clicks and order your guide or .STL file to print. After this course, you will be able to place implants in full confidence with greatly improved speed, accuracy, and safety using Carestream Dental workflow and SMOP software and the Thommen Medical surgical kit.
Workshop content:
Analysis of a CBCT acquisition in CS Imaging 8 software.
Optical impression with CS 3700 camera for the realization of the temporary prosthesis and surgical guide. Matching optical footprint (STL) and CBCT (DICOM) in PDIP.
Implant planning in CS Imaging 8 with the realization of a virtual wax-up. Export data to SMOP planning software. Design of the guide in SMOP and export from the .STL file to a 3D printer.
Export of the virtual scan flags to Exocad for the design and production of a provisional.
Master degree in dental medicine 1990 from the University of Berne, Switzerland
Postgraduate education in oral surgery at the Clinic of Dento-Maxillo-Facial-Surgery, central hospital of Lucerne.
Specialist in Oral surgery (Swiss society of oral surgery SSOS) and holder of a Certificate of focused activities in Dental Implantology (WBA) of the Swiss Society for dentistry.
Since 1997 own private practice in Lucerne, since 2008 together with Dr. Eva-Maria Baumgartner
The last 15 years focused on referred patients for Oral Surgery and Dental Implants.
Working intensively with different guided surgery systems since 15 years, full digital workflow since 6 years.
International speaker and advisor in the field of guided surgery .