> KIM Jong Cheol

Lecture: A truly 3D digital patient
No matter how much emphasis is placed on the importance of a thorough diagnosis and treatment plan, it is never enough.... which is why this field continues to be the focus of ongoing research. As a result, various digital diagnostic methods have been recently introduced.
Through these technologies, we are able to acquire vast amounts of diagnostic information. As a next step, we should focus on how to utilize this precious information properly. Based upon this concept, 9 years ago, we started the EUREKA R2 project to develop a unique digital solution; the creation of a completely digitalized 3D patient. The patient thus visualized brings the dentist into a comprehensive world of treatment. It shows 3D relationships between bone and bone, bone and teeth, teeth to teeth and hard tissue to soft tissue. In my presentation, I will introduce how we make a digitalized 3D patient and how we can interpret individual characteristics, as well as how to utilize CAD/CAM technology based on the digitalized patient information.
Welcome to the Digital Oral Design world !!.
Dr. Jong Cheol Kim
Adjunct professor at school of dentistry, ChunNam national university
Chief researcher of MegaGen Implant Co.,Ltd
Clinical instructor of KDA (Korean dental association)
Member of Korean academy of periodontology
Ambassador of MINEC (MegaGen International Network for Education and Clinical research)
Inventor of R2GATE