> Oliver BLUME

Volume stability and healing process of CAD/CAM customized allogeneic bone grafts for alveolar ridge reconstruction for dental implants- a retrospective evaluation
Objective: The use of autologous bone grafts is considered as gold standard for preimplantological alveolar ridge reconstruction. Nevertheless, the use of autologous tissue does have limitations and drawbacks such as availability, increased operation time and risk of donor site morbidity. Allogeneic bone grafts do not only avoid these drawbacks, but represent as well in our digital times a modern treatment alternatives as they can be customized with CAD /CAM technology.
Material and Methods: In a retrospective analysis 100 allogeneic CAD /CAM customized bone grafts were radiologically measured regarding volume stability in CBCT Scans after certain healing intervals. Furthermore they were clinically analysed concering postoperative complications, success rates of the grafts theirselves and dental implants put in after 6 month healing period.
Results: under progress
In 1991, Dr. Blume started as a Training Assistant and Medical Specialist at the Department of Clinic of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery in Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg.In 1994, he received his recognition as a Dentist for Oral Surgery. Two years later, he obtained his PhD for Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. Since 2002, he established a private practice with Dr. Back with focus on implantology in Munich. In 2012, he obtained his Master of Science (Implantology). His certifications include „Activity emphasis on implantology“- certified by the Federal Association Dt. Doctors in oral maxillofacial surgery (07/2002) and „Speaker for training courses in implantology „ - certified by the implantology consensus conference (08/2003).
Dr. Blume is a member of INTERPLAST, DEVIEMED, THE RED CROSS and other organisations participating in different projects for the treatment of cleft lip/ cleft palate. Since 2006 official expert and referee for maxillo-facial surgery of the dental medical council of Bavaria. Since 2012 Visiting Professor at the Semmelweis University Budapest/ Hungary. Founding Member of the European Centers of Dental Implantology (ECDI). President of the subvisory board of the German Cleft Child Aid Society.