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> Werner SCHUPP


The full digital workflow in Aligner Orthodontics

Since 2000, we have lived in the digital age, just the time when Aligner Orthodontics became popular. It has become possible to move teeth complex and very accurately according to the software planning with aligners. 

Diagnosis including parts of TMJ – diagnosis, treatment planning, and the orthodontic treatment is digital and will be demonstrated step by step.

Today, we know better according to which guidelines we should treat with aligners in a digital workflow. Many scientific statements on various topics exist. We know today which tooth movements with aligners are possible and which not. 

Some basic rules must be followed in the treatment planning by the orthodontists. These will be illustrated clearly by showing different examples.

The lecture will present complex treatments that are possible nowadays using Aligner Orthodontics. The most recent studies will be demonstrated. 

Studies of dentistry at the University of Münster (Westfälische Wilhelms Universität) final exam 1985, dissertation 1986.

Postgraduate student in Orthodontics from 1987 - 1989 at the University of Münster (Westfälische Wilhelms Universität), department of orthodontics, director Ms Prof. Dr. U. Ehmer, certified specialist of “orthodontics” since 1989

Collaboration in the orthodontic private practice of
Dr. D.E. Toll, D.D.S. (USA) 1989 and 1990

Own private practice as a specialist for orthodontics in Cologne.- Rodenkirchen since 1990 together with Dr. Wymar and Dr. Haubrich

Publication of the books: "Funktionslehre in der Kieferorthopädie" in 2000 (ISBN: 3-928055-03-8) together with Dr. Toll

“Kraniomandibuläres und Muskuloskelettales System” in 2012 by Quintessenz Publ. together with Dr. Boisserée

“Aligner Orthodontics” first published 2015 together with Dr. Haubrich, Quintessence Publishing (English, Japanese, Chinese, Portuguese and French version)

Best Lecture Award European Aligner Society (EAS) 2016

Certified user of the Invisalign technique - Preferred Provider invisalign®, till now 4000 Patients treated with Aligner Orthodontics,

Certified in Manual medicine and Osteopathy for Orthodontics (DGMM / GBO)

Editor in Chief “Journal of Aligner Orthodontics” Quintessence Publishing

Editor for “Manuelle Medizin und Kieferorthopädie” (Springer Verlag

Advisory Board “Kieferorthopädie” Quintessenz Verlag

Founding member and Past President of the German Board of Orthodontics and Orofacial Orthopedics (GBO)

Lecturer Medical University Innsbruck, Austria

President of the international study group “Craniomandibular and musculoskeletal medicine”

Former Visiting Professor, University of Ferrara, Italy (Chairman Prof. Giuseppe Siciliani)

Visiting Professor, School of Stomatology, Capital Medical University, Beijing, P.R. China (Cairman Prof. Yuxing Bai, D.D.S.,Ph.D)

Former Member of the German Eventing Equestrian Team

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